Tag: novel

Storm-wake by Lucy Christopher


A few weeks ago, I received my first ARC (Advanced Reviewer Copy) of a book by one of my favorite authors: Lucy Christopher. I was totally excited to read it because I absolutely loved her books Stolen and Flyaway.

Storm-wake is a novel loosely based on the Shakespeare play The Tempest. The story surrounds a young girl named Moss and her father who are living on a deserted island full of magical flowers. These flowers have the ability to heal and give a sort of high to those who ingest them. They also grant wishes and bring storms. One wish that Moss had was for a companion her age. The next day, a young man with fish scales for skin washes up on shore. Moss named him Callan and they became close friends. They spend most of their childhood together with Pa. Then we have a few years jump and Moss and Cal have grown up into teenagers. Pa was constantly telling them that the world flooded and that the flowers would grant their wish and recede the waters to bring back the outside world. When a boy named Finn from the outside world washes up on their shores, Moss starts to question everything she knows. She began to doubt her Pa more and more as evidence piled up showing that the outside world may not have perished as she had been told.

I really liked this book. It had a sense of adventure. I loved reading as Moss grew up and grew into her feelings for Cal. When they were children, it was a sweet sort of friendship, as innocent as the two children were. As they grew up, their relationship matured into love as Moss saw Cal as more of a person rather than the water spirit she believed him to be. On the back of the book, it mentioned that Moss had to decide who she loved. I thought that it would be between Cal and Finn, but there was barely any romantic ties to Finn. Instead, the love was between Cal and Pa. Moss had to decide who she trusted and, in the end, who she wanted to stay with. It was a sweet story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

My only qualm was also the thing that I liked. I found that, because of the way Moss and Cal’s thoughts and speech were written, it was a little bit hard to read. There were a lot of almost infantile words that were smashed together with a hyphen. I found that I breathed a sigh of relief when we were introduced to Finn and his more normalized way of thinking/speaking. However, I realized that I loved the fact that we could see their individuality in the way the story was written by each point of view. When we read a part that centered around Cal, you knew it. When we were introduced to Finn, he spoke more normally than Cal and Moss. I realized that this showed that Cal and Moss were almost stuck in childhood, as they didn’t tend to use large words. Their speech was almost stunted. Again, it made it a little difficult to read, but I’m glad of it.

I really liked this book, even when it was a little hard to follow. The end made me cry and I was left thinking about the story in a different light by the end of the book. I want to re-read it with the ending revelations in mind to see how it changes the story. You’ll want to re-read it too. It’s a beautiful book and you won’t regret it.




If you’d like to get your own copy of Storm-wake by Lucy Christopher, you can get it here.

ARC, book, Cal, coming-of-age, Finn, flyaway, love, Lucy Christopher, Moss, novel, Review, Shakespeare, Stolen, storm-wake, The Tempest

“Clock Dance” by Anne Tyler


Oh boy. I just finished Clock Dance written by Anne Tyler and as much as I don’t want to write a review for this book, I really can’t get it off my mind. I am hoping to write quickly, because I have things to do, but I fear this may be a very long post. I honestly do not know.

Let’s start off by quoting the description of the novel found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble: “Willa Drake can count on one hand the defining moments of her life. In 1967, she is a schoolgirl coping with her mother’s sudden disappearance. In 1977, she is a college coed considering a marriage proposal. In 1997, she is a young widow trying to piece her life back together.

anne tyler, book review, clock dance, contemporary, description, detail, dog, golf, hope, husband, novel, plot, story, widow, work

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The Snow Kimono by Mark Henshaw


Hello Again,

Time for another review. I finished The Snow Kimono by Mark Henshaw a couple of weekends ago. I wanted to write a review right away, but I had to sort through my thoughts and by the time I did that, life caught up. Now a funeral and a company holiday party later, and here I finally am.

The book opens up with Inspector Jovert and his accident after a mysterious letter (be prepared because I found some other literary references in this book). The letter was from a woman claiming to be his daughter and asking to meet. After he recounts his accident, a Japanese man named Professor Omura comes to him and invites himself in. He explains that he, too, had a daughter, but she was not biologically his. Most of the novel is Professor Omura explaining the tale of his friend Katsuo, the real father of Omura’s daughter, flaked with Omura’s story as well as Jovert’s.

At one point, Omura explains that his father liked puzzles. He liked them so much that he ordered a “western puzzle” and was disappointed because once complete, the image was the same as that on the box. This novel is one big puzzle.

All the characters’ stories in this book are based on lies. I don’t recall anyone telling the complete truth except one minor character.

The story is also told in fragments out of place, which you have to piece together to get the complete story, which again, is based on lies. So is it really the whole story?

I felt the ending was very confusing and did not explain anything at all so you are kept guessing. I like cliffhangers, but this wasn’t one. I don’t want to give anything away, but I came out of the novel feeling confused and not complete. I was a bit angry because I could not mentally tell if I did not understand, or if that’s how the book wants you to feel.

Overall, I gave it a 3/5 due to the story fragments being captivating, especially Katsuo’s, and the characters were interesting. The mystery was well kept and hard to guess (and I am normally pretty good at guessing the twists). I just didn’t like the way the stories were scattered, how they didn’t come together at times, and so many loose ends.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think? Am I missing something? Let me know!


france, inspector, japanese, jovert, lies, mark henshaw, mystery, novel, puzzle, Review, the snow kimono

The Last Tudor – Philippa Gregory


Another day, another review of a Philippa Gregory book. I feel I must again begin this with the disclaimer that I love her books. However, it’s not unwarranted.

This book was no exception. I was so excited that even though a friend bought me a signed copy, I bought the Kindle copy so that I wouldn’t ruin the physical book. I had waited to read this novel until after I had finished Three Sisters, Three Queens by Gregory, so that I could have my mind set in the correct time period.

This novel is told in three parts, each following one of the Grey sisters. The first section is told by Jane Grey, also known as the “Nine-Days Queen.” She was forced to marry Guildford Dudley and then told that after her cousin Edward died, she was next in line for the throne rather than Mary, who was Henry VIII’s oldest daughter. By all accounts, Jane was reluctant to take the throne, insistent that Mary was the true heir. Her parents and in-laws ignored her and pushed her upon the throne. She was only queen for 9 days until Mary came in and took the throne back. At first, Mary was lenient, leaving Jane in the Tower of London. However, since her father and father-in-law continued to muster forces to put her back on the throne, Mary I saw her as a threat and had her beheaded.

The second part is told through the point of view of Jane’s younger sister Katherine. The bulk of her section occurs after the death of Mary I and the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth I. She had the gall to marry a man she loved (Edward “Ned” Seymour) without Elizabeth’s permission. As she was a princess of the blood (and Elizabeth’s presumptive heir), Katherine needed Elizabeth’s permission to marry. As punishment, Elizabeth throws Katherine into the Tower. We end her section with Katherine as the mother of two strong boys, away from her husband and court.

The third part is told by Mary, Katherine and Jane’s youngest sister. She is of short stature, supposedly having a twisted spine. She’s often juxtaposed against the court dwarf, Thomasina. Like her sister Katherine, she married for love. And, like her sister, she was punished for it.

I really liked that we saw history progress through our three sisters. Each of them lends their own voice to the story. One thing that I noticed was that my love of Elizabeth was lessened because of her treatment of the sisters. She was not what one would call “kind.” This was interesting, as some of Gregory’s previous novels showed Elizabeth in a positive light. I liked that we are shown a different side of her, even if it’s not her best side.

I highly recommend this novel to any history fans. We get to see history through the Grey sisters in a way that only Gregory can show.



To get your copy of “The Last Tudor” by Philippa Gregory, go here.

ebook, kindle, kindle oasis, novel, Philippa Gregory, signed, the last tudor

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