Author: K. Leigh

The Son

The Son

He lay silent on the floor, curled up with his knees to his chest. The sun lightly touching the cold wooden floor, but he knew the time was coming. He could hear the heavy footsteps on the stairs below. They were clearly meant for him. He could sense the anger in the thuds and creaks. He shut his eyes tight again, so tight he could see the red and white circles on the black background of his eyelids.

The wooden door slammed open, hit the wall hard, and flew back. It halted at Luke’s father’s hand.

“Git up,” came his father’s gruff voice.

Luke stirred, but not fast enough for his father’s patience. He felt the fingernails dig into his back as he was pulled to his feet. When enough blood was drawn from his flesh, his father pushed him against the wall to make sure he was not going to be able to fall asleep again.

curse, dark, disease, disgust, father, fear, grotesque, help, horror, house, monster, murder, sheriff, short, short story, son, story, the son

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Ready Player One (Movie) – 2018


Before I start getting yelled at for giving this movie 4 stars, I just want to say that I am writing this review as if the movie version is not based off of a novel. I will refer to the novel, but if this was a comparison post between the movie and the book, the rating would be much different and this post much longer.

Ready Player One was directed by Steven Spielberg. The main actors were ones you may have seen, but are mostly “up and coming” besides Simon Pegg and T.J. Miller (who was actually doing a live show, attended by my cousin, in my city as I was watching this movie). T.J. Miller might not be well known to some, but he has done voicework for a lot cartoons I have watched.

art3mis, book, easter egg, ernest cline, favorite, fiction, gamer, high five, mmorpg, movie, nerd, oasis, parzival, ready player one, references, Review, scifi, silver screen, simon pegg, steven spielberg, t.j. miller, the shining

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Car Buying Experience

Hello All,

Earlier this week I had to get a new car. I leased my 2015 Ford Focus, and time was running up. I decided from the moment I leased that car, that I would get an SUV for my next car. Later that year, I got a job where we deal with emergency services. That means our office does not close even if it is snowing. I needed a car that has 4 Wheel Drive. Honestly, I was glad to get rid of my Focus. It shook every time I made a turn, and jolted every time I accelerated. There was even a lawsuit over the transmission for the 2015 models of the Ford Focus. It did not make me feel safe at all.

co-signer, customer service, dealership, discounts, Ecosport, experience, Focus, Ford, Honda, HRV, lease, negotiate, safe, sales, showroom, SUV, technology, test drive, texting, vehicle

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Recovering from Mental Health Concerns

Around the holidays, many people get what’s known as “seasonal depression.” I happen to be one of those people, however, I do have bouts of depression at other times as well. I have not been mentally present/focused in any aspect of my life right now, to be honest.

I am starting to break through and get back to being the self I like to be. I know other people are struggling more than I am and I hope they can fight it and recover, but I don’t want solely talk about this because there are plenty of blogs that have more helpful insight than I do.

2018, big deal, blogs, comments, depression, follow, future, like, mental health, plans, posts, recovering, reviews, seasonal, share, story, writing

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