“Wonder Woman” (2017)
Hey guys! So, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and watch “Wonder Woman,” starring Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. Even though everyone said it was amazing, I went into it with a sense of reluctance, because, after all, it is a DC movie. Not only that, but it’s a female-led DC movie. I expected them to make her dependant on a man, make her sexy, and make a two-hour long movie catered to male fanboys.
Luckily, I was wrong.
“Wonder Woman” is the story of Princess Diana (not that one) of Themyscira, which is an island of Amazons. They specialize in fighting with spears, bows, and swords. Diana grew up hearing the story of how she was given life by Zeus after her mother created her out of clay. As the only child on the island, she is very precious, but she still wants to learn how to fight. Eventually, her aunt convinces her mother to let her train. She becomes a great warrior, but you can tell something is different about her. One day, she sees an airplane materialize in the sky and crash into the water around the island. She rescues the pilot Steve, played by Chris Pine. He tells her and the Amazons of the “war to end all wars,” World War I. Diana believes that this war is caused by the god Ares, and leaves with Steve to go kill Ares, armed with the sword “God Killer.” She meets Sir Patrick, played by David Thewlis of “Harry Potter” fame. He gives Diana and Steve permission to go to the front, where Diana believes the Germans are being influenced by Ares. To avoid spoilers, I’ll leave it at that. Trust me, you need to watch the movie. The twist is crazy.
I loved seeing Diana’s backstory. That is one thing that isn’t often touched upon in Marvel movies (at least, not to the extent of “Wonder Woman.”). Seeing her grow up and learn why she is the way she is, and why her convictions are so strong, makes me connect more with the character. I loved that they showed her as learned, with her having read books and knowing multiple languages. I love that she never needed anyone’s help (except the one point of using her companions as a springboard). She takes on Ares without any help. She’s strong, independent, and smart. And while her clothes are stated to be “indecent” (which, to be fair, they are by WWI standards), she isn’t sexualized. Her armor serves a purpose. For the first time, a female superhero was done correctly.
The only thing I had a little issue with is the casting of David Thewlis. He seemed awkward and ill-placed. While I understand why they cast him, I just couldn’t find his character believable. However, Gal Gadot’s performance made up for his by far.
If you want to have a good role model for your daughter (or son), watch this movie with them. If you want to see a very well-done female superhero movie, watch this. Hell, if you just want to watch a good movie, watch this. You won’t be disappointed.
You can watch or purchase “Wonder Woman” here.
Amazonian, chris pine, david thewlis, dc, gal gadot, Marvel, movie, Review, superhero, wonder woman