Always Bring a Book
I am K. I couldn’t possibly let Jen do all the posting, but let me say she has been wonderful when it comes to this website. For the most part, I feel you will see most of the posts will be from her. I will try to be as active as she is, but I make no promises.
As you saw, the title of this is Always Bring a Book. This is very important to me given how my day went today. I am, as some would say, a “big reader.” True, I do love reading, but I read so slow that I cannot read as many books as some of my friends can in a year. I started It by Stephen King in the beginning of this month (after the 2017 movie release I feel like everyone is reading it now) and I haven’t even hit page 50 yet. With birthdays, a wedding, my full time job, and my love of sleep, picking up the novel is not a priority most days. With over 1,000 pages, it’s also very intimidating.
book, books, boredom, e-reader, it, kindle, nook, read, reading, stephen king, work