Doors by K. Leigh
The stream of light beamed from Clara’s small flashlight. Her batteries would be failing any time now. She noticed the light get less powerful over the hours she spent trying to figure out this underground labyrinth. The stones that made up the wall harbored areas of moss. The dirt dusted path crunched under her black Converse. Drips of water vibrated through the passage as they dropped from an unseen ceiling. It must be raining outside, but how far down am I? Clara thought to herself. Whom was she hiding from? There was no reason to stay silent. “Who knew that libraries really did have books that led to secret tunnels?” Clara’s voice echoed down the empty hallway.
“We did,” came a reply.
converse, dark, Doors, fantasy, fiction, fire, flashlight, games, girl, gnomes, labyrinth, riddles