Birthday Presents, Interview update
Hey all, Jen here!
I am posting about one of the most awesome birthday presents ever: Cat Ear Bluetooth Headphones. I’ve wanted bluetooth headphones since I got my Oasis, which can play audiobooks but only via bluetooth, since it doesn’t have a headphone jack. So, I looked on Amazon and discovered the world of Cat Ear Bluetooth Headphones. This was way back when I got the Oasis, but I’ve wanted them ever since. So, when my fiance asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I whipped out my Amazon wishlist and picked out the best-reviewed pair. Behold:
I am now a kitty! The ears and headphones light up a pretty blue. If you would like to get yourself a pair, you can get them here. They come in Black and blue, Hot pink, Baby pink, and White and pink. There are, of course, other models available, but these ones had the best reviews, so I went with them. If you don’t need the bluetooth aspect, there are a ton with great reviews available on Amazon. I will post a review of these ones once I get some more use out of them. Gotta be informed!
I also have an update on the interview with Dacre Stoker. I have transcribed the answers and cleaned it up, I am just waiting for a few people to look over it so that it is free of errors. Once that’s up, then I will post the contest for the signed copy of “Dracula the Un-Dead.” Would you guys rather have a contest or just a straight giveaway? Let me know in the comments!
birthday, bluetooth, contest, dacre stoker, Dracua the Un-Dead, giveaway, interview, kitty bluetooth headphones, kitty headphones, transcribe, writing