The Golden Treasure (A Retelling) by K. Leigh

The many days I spent with Thor by my side were filled with wonder, awe, and above everything else, love. He loved me for my golden hair and I prized it above every other one of my features. What he treasured, I did ten-fold more so. Our loved blossomed and in return, I watched over the harvest and made sure it was plentiful, but there was one watching jealously ever since our wedding day.

Thor went out one morning; I went to the Iving and bathed in the cool water after he left. I made sure to take care and wash my hair thoroughly so it would shine not just in the sunlight, but also in the moonlight when Thor graced his hall again. As I made my way back I felt tired and needed rest. I did not want to fall asleep on the steps of Bilskirnir, but I could not make it inside. I just had time enough to lay my hair about in the sun to dry, before I fell asleep amongst my soft golden curls.

I dreamed I was in a field of never-ending wheat. The stalks grew higher than I could reach. I closed my eyes and took in the warmth of the sun that fell on my face. When, I lifted my eyelids again, the wheat was gone. They had been reaped in such small span of time. Where did they go? Who snuck about my gaze? Why did they need all of this harvest? I could not pull myself from the sight although I knew I was only in a deep slumber. This could only happen in a reverie and I could sense a different feel from that as reality. If only I could wake myself up, but it was as if I were under a spell. All I could do was run through the empty fields where the beautiful crops had once stood, looking for an answer. I saw no one. It was as if they had just vanished on their own and there was nothing I could do about it.

I fell in confusion. I closed my eyes and allowed forming tears to stain my cheeks. The harvest had been lost and I was powerless. I allowed myself to give in to this new emotion as I continued to lie there weeping.

When I awoke, the sun was setting. I quickly sat up and stretched. My husband would be home at any time! I had allowed myself to sleep all that time and nothing had been taken care of inside the hall. I placed the palms of my hands gently on the steps and lifted my body into standing position, but what I saw made my fear grow. My hair had not shifted when I had. It lay as still as picked corn waiting to be husked by maidens. I touched the glimmering strands of gold and the hung slack in my grasp. I dropped them and ran my hands upon my scalp. I felt fuzz prickle my flesh!

“BY THE ALL-FATHER!” I yelled as I gazed at my reflection in the golden doors of Bilskirnir. My hair had been shorn while I lay under the spell of my dreams. Who had done it? Why had it happened? My eyes flitted about as the questions fluttered through my mind. I could feel myself tearing up yet again, but had not the time to release the wells of my eyes.

“Sif!” I heard the thunder God call.

To my horror I turned from my own image to see my husband staring in disbelief. It was then I noticed the streams free-flowing about my face. I was shaking and I could feel the misery rising inside of me. I had been accosted, but for what reason? What had I done to deserve this punishment? I ran into his arms and cried as he asked the same questions I had asked myself. I told him the truth. I told him what happened and that I had no idea who had torn my beautiful waves from me.

Rough yet gentle fingers gripped my wrist. My feet moved in unison with his in the direction he was leading me. I could feel the cool ground underneath my feet, but yet I did not care. I could find nothing joyous in the pleasures I had once enjoyed. I was relying on my love to help me get through this. I found myself in front of Valaskjalf, where Odin resided. Thor had drug me here while my tears blinded my vision.

We stepped into the great hall and there already found a counsel in session. Loki stood before the gods and goddesses being questioned. Someone had seen him cut off my hair! He sneered when Odin told him what was to be done for punishment, but it wasn’t enough, not for Thor.

“He must get Sif’s hair back! At once!” Thor’s red hair matched the redness of anger that crawled in his face.

Odin nodded in agreement and changed his will right then. Uncertainty flashed in Loki’s eyes, but he regained composure almost at once. Loki was condemned to find a suitable replacement for what I had lost.


Days went by and still I paced Bilskirnir waiting to hear Loki had returned. I did not rest until Thor came bursting into the room. I quickly fixed the veil that hid my bare crown and followed him back to the hall of Odin. This time, Thor sat next to his father while I stood by his side.

In walked Loki holding many items with Brokk, a skilled Dwarven blacksmith, behind him.

“I bring you what you seek from the sons of Ivaldi, but I did not stop there. Eitri and Brokk were fooled into a challenge to see who made the better presents. I offer Gungnir, the spear, to Odin, the All-Father. I bring to Freyr the ship Skidbladnir, large enough for all of Asgard to fit! And of course,” he smiled at me, “I give gold forged into hair for Sif. It is imbued with magic so that you will never know the difference between these threads and that which you lost because of my foolish deed. I also bring, my sincerest apologies,” he bowed low, but I was not convinced.

With embarrassment, I took the veil off my head. I walked over to Loki and retrieved my gift. Placing it on my head I felt a surge run through my body. I tugged on a few strands and did not feel the weight shift. It was as if I had my own locks back! I felt the excitement build up, but I pushed it to the side. I glanced at Thor as I turned back and headed to my previous place. He nodded approvingly.

Brokk stepped forward as it was clear Loki was not going to continue. He had waged a bet, we were told, and he had come to see it through. He held a golden band above his head.

“Behold Draupnir. Every ninth night, it will drop eight rings to match itself. A gift for Odin!” He presented it to him and there were gasps of awe from the crowd about the hall.

“For Freyr, I have brought Gullinbursti, a boar surrounded at all times by light. Nothing can keep pace with him. May it serve you well.” He made a worthy bow and continued, “For Thor, the mighty. I give you Mjolnir. Though flawed, this worthy hammer will match your strength and will never be broken. It will never abandon you.”

“What’s the flaw?” Thor asked.

“The handle is not as long as it was intended to be, but it is still a force that can go up against any giant and win.”

Thor took this gift with many thanks and returned to his seat. He admired his new treasure greatly, more so than my hair now. It didn’t matter. All was returned and I was filled with the greatest of joy. The harvest that year was the best I had ever seen.

All Father, blacksmith, dwarves, gift, god, goddess, harvest, loki, mischief, Mythology, norse, Odin, Odinism, retelling, Sif, story, Thor, thunder, wheat

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