Tag: marriage

“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid


“The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” was not a book I was going to read. I saw it perusing book stores with one of my best friends. We took a look at it and I said “Was she married to seven husbands in total? Or all at once?” After reading the description of the book I put it down and said “I think it would be more interesting if she was married to the seven husbands all at once.” We laughed and moved on from the book.

Recently, I have been seeing it everywhere. I still laughed at the joke I made in the bookstore until I watched a YouTube video. I have been watching “BookTube” more and more. One of my favorite BookTubers does a lot of YA, which I’m not really interested in, but she reviewed “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” because she also reads adult books as well. She raved about this book and said it was probably her favorite adult book ever written. So I borrowed the book from the library.

audiobook, balance, book, captivating, celebrity, cons, disappointing, emotions, Evelyn Hugo, fiction, Hollywood, lacking, library, love, marriage, novel, physical book, pros, relationships, story, Taylor Jenkins Reid, tell all, The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, twists

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Semper Fi by K. Leigh

Kari woke up despite herself. She looked around the room hoping it had changed, but it hadn’t, not for at least four days. Ryan’s pajamas were still thrown about the floor where he had left them on Sunday. His boxers were still on the floor of the bathroom from when he took his shower. The only thing that she had the strength to move was the note he had written her. She would not contaminate her mirror, but she wouldn’t throw it out either.

death, funeral, goodbye, guests, little black dress, lunch, marine, marriage, semper fi, strength

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